
How to compare word processing programs

Discuss the below:

Q1: Compare Word Processing Programs

Both Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect are used as word processing applications in law offices. Go to the Web sites for each product and look at their features. Answer the following questions:

• What features does Microsoft Word have that WordPerfect doesn't have?

• Which would you prefer to use and why?

Support your answers with reason and examples. Be sure to cite your sources in the Bluebook format.

Q2: Researching Legal Software Packages

There are many software packages designed for specialized areas of the law such as tax or personal injury law.

Visit the American Bar Association: Legal Technology Resources Center, Practice and Case Management Software. Pick two fields of law in which you are interested, and research software packages designed for them. Select two software packages for each field and then analyze the following:

• What are their features?

• How do their specialized functions help lawyers do their jobs?

Support you answer with reason and relevant answers. Be certain to cite your sources in the Bluebook format.

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Other Subject: How to compare word processing programs
Reference No:- TGS01978977

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