
How to choose your career goals

Admissions Essay

The evaluation of writing ability is useful in determining the applicant's compatibility with the program's course of study and in determining the applicant's ability to write and develop Ideas according to the rules of standard english.

All Hollywood uses your essay to determine your readiness to succeed in college-level work. It is very important that you fellow directions carefully, write your essay, and proofread your essay before you submit it. Please write an essay that demonstrates the
ability to write in an organized and comprehensible fashion with correct spelling, punctuation. and grammar.

Note that this essay is less about whet you say than how you say It. Please feel free to ask any question you may have before you begin.

Please answer the following in an essay of word limit of 255 words.

Q1: What are your career goals and how do you expect your education at Al Holl to help you attain them? In what ways will you participate and commit to your education in order to be successful?

While writing your essay, you may wish to include any of the following to help support your answer

Q1. How did you choose the career god's you hays?

Q2. What research did you do about that career?

Q3. What do you expect to be doing live years, ten years from now?

Q4. Did you have a mentor or someone Close to you influence your choices?

Q5. What challenges will you be facing and how will you overcome them?

Q6. What is your support system while you are in school?

Q7. Why do you value education?

Q8. Do you do anything outside of school that will Support your career goals?

Remember the following points:

1. The essay must be a minimum of 250 words,

2. You will be scored according to the following.

3. Unity of ideas

4. Development of ideas

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Marketing Management: How to choose your career goals
Reference No:- TGS01746923

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