
How to become eligible for special education services


Martha and Martin, twins in your class, have learning problems due to complications at birth. Both students have been mainstreamed but, as third graders, as the expectations for working independently and curriculum requirements increase, basic teacher-made adjustments have not proved to be sufficient. These twins are being referred to determine whether they are eligible for classification and special education services.

Martha has difficulty processing letters and numbers, thus she has difficulty with oral reading, math computation and with the physical task of writing. She has good ideas, enjoys sharing her ideas orally, and her reasoning and listening comprehension skills are relatively strong.

Martin has good rote skills (e.g., oral reading, solving math equations) but his reasoning and comprehension skills are poor.

You reflect on their abilities and prepare to make suggestions to their parents and the MDT about what tests would be best for determining their skill levels and need for services.

(1) What informal tests would you recommend for each of these students?

(2) Provide a rationale for your recommendation.

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Other Subject: How to become eligible for special education services
Reference No:- TGS01910319

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