
How to avoid aircrafts

the asignment is about Genre Experiment. I choose a topic which is " How to avoid aircrafts accidents". Must be 1000 words minnum. Also include 2 RESOURCES . And i need a single pragraph of how you used Rhetrocial analysis (ethos,pathos,logos for the assigenmet) " not include the 1000 words "


Your future writing success depends, in part, on your ability to choose appropriate genres for particular situations. These genre   experiments give you the freedom to make your writing in 1010 as practical and useful as possible. You will choose TWO genres to  write. Think of a task you need or want to accomplish through writing. Perhaps your boss at work would like you to review some competing software. Maybe you need to explore through a personal essay how you can cope with your parents' divorce. If you need to  write an application letter in the near future, now is the perfect opportunity. Like all the work you turn in for this class, your genre  experiment must be your original writing, created for this class. Please do not choose email, wiki, or a blog and stick with non-fiction  writing (no creative writing, poems, or short stories). If you want to write a resume or cover letter, turn in both asone experiment.

Each experiment needs to include two or three paragraphs of a thetoricalSpf your genre.


1. Who is the audience? Why? What do they bring to this message? What elements of their cultural eye do you, as the writer; need to consider to make your message successful?

2. Why is this genre the best choose to deliver your message?

3. How do you incorporate ethos, pathos, and logos in your paper?

One of your experiments must involve research. One of the goals of English 1010 is to help you become familiar with library research. You need to learn to work with a librarian, become familiar with the library, use sources beyond Google and Wikipedia, and practice integrating other voices into your  papers. This prepares you for English 2010 and many other college classes. Your research needs to include an annotated bibliography for each of the sources on your works cited page.


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English: How to avoid aircrafts
Reference No:- TGS01141512

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