Discussion Post
Discuss how to assist patients when fluid restrictions are ordered by the physician by following the discussion prompts to complete your initial discussion post. After creating your initial post, respond to at least two of your peers in a substantive manner.
Discussion Prompts
1. Mrs. Jackson has Chronic Heart Failure. She is admitted to your facility with diuretic medications and Stage 3 edema.
2. Today the physician placed an order for a 1.5 liter (1,500 militer) a day (24 hours) fluid restriction.
3. In your initial post, share two ways that you can:
a. Aid the patient in being compliant with their fluid restriction, and
b. Work alongside the dietitian to keep an accurate account of the amount of fluids consumed by the patient
4. Some examples would be:
a. Education
b. Monitoring
c. Communication
d. Encouragement and behavior management