
How to assist leaders in overcoming communication barriers

Assignment task: In today's workplace, leaders communicate with people from other countries and with a more diverse group of people from their own country. Implementing the type of guidelines presented here will assist leaders in overcoming and preventing many communication barriers.

1. Be sensitive to the fact that cross-cultural communication barriers exist. (Awareness will lead to asking for feedback.)

2. Challenge your cultural assumptions. (Assumptions work like stereotypes.)

3. Show respect for all workers.

4. Use straightforward language, and speak slowly and clearly.

5. Look for signs of misunderstanding when your language is not the native language of the listener.

6. When the situation is appropriate, speak in the language of the people from another culture.

7. Observe cross-cultural differences in etiquette. (For example, in many countries, business people want to dine before conducting business.)

8. Do not be diverted by style, accent, grammar, or personal appearance.

9. Be sensitive to differences in nonverbal communication. (For example, make sure you understand the acceptability of physical touching.)

10. Be attentive to individual differences in appearance. (Don't confuse the identity of people from the same racial or ethnic group.)

  • Describe in a brief, one-paragraph reflection for each of the ten barriers listed above
  • Reflect on how you feel about this barrier
  • What is the most important thing you can do as a leader to identify and remove each barrier?
  • What are the cultural barriers you think you will struggle most with?

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Other Management: How to assist leaders in overcoming communication barriers
Reference No:- TGS03421547

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