Problem: A 68-year-old client lives alone and is independent with all ADLs, has no restrictions for mobility, and is competent and oriented x4. The client is on a fixed income but has enough to manage a modest lifestyle. The client has family and social support but is very independent and is proud of her self- reliance. The client's height is 5' 6", weight is 210 |b. / 95.25 kg. Please answer the following:
1. What is the client's BMI?
2. Identify what screening tools you would use to assess nutritional and exercise knowledge and why.
3. Outcome/Intervention/Rationale:
Identify one outcome/goal that is reasonable, measurable, and realistic. Identify one nursing intervention for the outcome and give a rationale for the intervention.
4. Identify what weakness in the client's life may be impacting the client's activity and diet.