
How to apply health psychology principles

Assignment: Treatment Options for Clinical Pain

You will exercise critical thinking skills. Remember to suspend judgment while inquiring into multiple aspects of the issue. Answering the questions requires application of problem solving skills and methods, and your recommendations must be derived from your own evaluative decisions.

Resources: Ch.of Health Psychology

Consider the following three cases of clinical pain:

o Case 1: Various types of pain from a below-the-knee amputation resulting from diabetic neuropathy

o Case 2: Acute pain from an abdominal hysterectomy

o Case 3: Chronic headaches (non-migraine)

Use information from Ch. of the text and other sources to help you comment on whether surgical, pharmaceutical, behavioral, and cognitive treatment methods would or would not be considered appropriate for each of the three clinical pain cases. Discuss and defend your answers.

Recommend an appropriate pain treatment plan employing one or more specific methods for each individual case. Describe each plan and provide support for your recommendations.

Discuss the benefits of having all four (surgical, pharmaceutical, behavioral, and cognitive) pain treatment methods available to chronic pain patients in a traditional hospital.

Compile your answers in a 1,200- to 1,400-word paper in APA format. Use a minimum of two sources besides the text.

4. Read about Mary's case in Appendix F.

Select four categories from the following list:

o Age of patient

o Previous illness adaptation history

o Quality of life during palliative care

o Length/term of illness before death

o Psychological support

o Social support

o Medical support

o Financial support

o Living will/legal needs

o Family/friends' needs

o Spiritual needs

Discuss in 250 to 300 words how the four categories you selected might influence Mary's adaptation to her terminal illness. Describe whether those influences will positively or negatively contribute to the success of her adaptation.

1. Capstone CheckPoint

Imagine you are witnessing a senate debate in Washington, D.C., hours before a vote on a comprehensive health care reform proposal. A significant number of senators are open to the idea, but are unconvinced to support full integration of health psychology-based wellness
components in health care policy.

Create a 250- to 300-word response to the following: What are the three most significant concepts you have learned in this course that you would include in a speech supporting incorporation of health psychology concepts in health care policy?

2. Final Project: Health Psychology Committee Report

Imagine a health care reform plan that mandates increased access to services you studied in this course. The goal is better overall patient health, measurable by shorter hospitalizations and improved adherence to medical regimens. You have volunteered to join the Health Psychology Committee formed by your local hospital, which is in the process of initiating a psychiatry division that will employ five psychologists. The committee is responsible for assigning duties to the psychologists. Use critical thinking skills as you decide how to apply
health psychology principles to hospital-based psychologists' duties.

Resources: Appendixes A & B

Specify duties for five hospital-associated psychologists that reflect health psychology principles discussed in this course, according to the following guidelines.

Conduct research by consulting a variety of sources, and gather evidence to support your decisions. Remember to suspend judgment while inquiring into multiple aspects of each of the five roles. Use your text, previous assignments, major research hospital Web sites, and the University Library. Cite a minimum of five references, including your text.

Assign one or more of the items in the bulleted duty list below to each of these four job titles: substance abuse counselor; inpatient-only psychologist; child psychologist; adult psychologist:

Duty list:

o Collaborate with local schools

o Provide psychological preparation methods for children prior to medical procedures

o Provide treatment for chronic pain

o Provide psychological preparation methods for adults prior to medical procedures and surgery

o Coordinate the use of recovery programs and structured programs for substance abuse, in conjunction with social worker

o Diagnose stress disorders and aid in stress-relief interventions

o Utilize various methods to facilitate adjustment and coping skills with patients suffering a chronic or terminal illness

If you feel one or more of the duties could be assigned to more than one of the four job titles, feel free to do so but keep a reasonable work and patient load in mind.

Evaluate the list above for areas of need not already addressed. Recommend a fifth job title and assign other health psychology-related duties not listed or related to those above.

Identify decision-making criteria and explain rationale behind your assignment of duties to each of the five job titles.

Discuss and give further details on how each of the five psychologists will contribute to improvement in overall patient health. What kinds of responsibilities and services would each of the five psychologists provide for patients? How will each of their roles result in shorter hospitalizations and improved adherence to medical regimens? Is there overlap any or all of the five job titles? Should there be? Why or why not?

Consider and discuss the impact of implementing each role versus not implementing it.

What makes each role supportive toward improvement and maintenance of wellness? Why would patients be better off with the psychologists' services after doing without in the past?

Compile your findings in an 1,800- to 2,100-word paper in APA format that you would present to the hospital as a Health Psychology Committee Report.

Attachment:- Mary’s Battle.rar

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