How to amortize the prior service cost

Accounting for an OPEB Plan

Response to the following problem:

On January 1, 2010, Flash and Dash Company adopted a healthcare plan for its retired employees. To determine eligibility for benefits, the company retroactively gives credit to the date of hire for each employee. The following information is available about the plan:

Service cost                                                                                                 $ 30,000

Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (1/1/10)                                   100,000

Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation for employees fully eligible

to receive benefits (12/31/10)                                                                         40,000

Expected return on plan assets                                                                       0

Prior service cost                                                                                           100,000

Payments to retired employees during 2010                                                     5,000

Interest rate                                                                                                10%

Average remaining service period of active plan participants (1/1/10)                12 years


1. Compute the OPEB expense for 2010 if the company uses the average remaining service life to amortize the prior service cost.

2. Prepare all the required journal entries for 2010 if the plan is not funded.

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Accounting Basics: How to amortize the prior service cost
Reference No:- TGS02105281

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