Focus Student Assessment
General Information:
The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to administer teacher-friendly informal assessment techniques. You must not use any formal or standardized measures for this assessment. The results from these assessments should be narrow in focus and should provide meaningful information for making instructional decisions (e.g., what objectives are needed, what approach might be best, etc.).
You may use ANY assessment technique from books included in the digital library for the following courses [note: this is different from what is stated in the syllabus; this means that you are not required to develop your own assessments but you must carefully choose appropriate assessments depending on the child's current functioning level]:
1. EPSY 6303 [use only one unless a persuasive rationale can be provided]
2. EPSY 6316
3. EPSY 6311
4. EPSY 6356
5. EPSY 6302
You must choose three techniques, but you must focus only on one area of assessment from the following list:
1. Oral language
2. Reading (emergent to advanced)
3. Written language (from handwriting to spelling to composing)
4. Mathematics
5. Emotional/social/behavioral
6. Study skills