
How thoroughly does the measure cover the range of concerns


Answer the following questions based on the Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) Assessment.

A. For what age group or developmental level would this test be most useful?

B. How thoroughly does the measure cover the range of concerns?

C. Describe the scoring system (i.e. percentile rank, stanines, normal curve equivalents, etc.)

D. What are the control conditions of administering the assessment? (time limits, materials and directions for administration)

E. What, if any, assessment accommodations are allowed? (I.e. change in format, response, setting, timing, etc.)


• Quick Guide to the Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS). (n.d.).

• Resources - RCADS Scoring Programs. (n.d.). Child FIRST - Focus on Innovation and Redesign in Systems and Treatment.

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Reference No:- TGS03268445

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