
How they view the country social structure

According to Catton's,how did Lee view society? What "ideal" did he embody?why do you think Caton avoided mentioning slavery in this description?

1. Who did Grant represent? How did they view the country's social structure?

2.After carefully studying paragraph 4 through 16 describe the pattern of organization catton uses to present his discussion.

3. What new means of development begis in paragraph 13?

4.How does Catton avoid the choppy seesaw effect as he compares and contrasts his subjects? Point out ways in which Catton makes a smooth transition from point to point.

5.Evalluate Catton's abililty to write unified,coherent,paragraphs with clearly stated topic sentences. are his paragraphs adequatley developed with enough specific detail? Cite evidence to support your answers.

6.What is the advantage or disadvantage of having only one sentence in paragraph 3? and 4?

7. what is Catton's opinion of these men? Select words and passages to support your answer. How does Catton's attitude affect the ton of this essay? is his tone appropriate? why or why not?

8. Instead of including a seperate paragraph, Datton presents his concluding remarks in paragraph 16, in whick he discusses his last major point about Grant and Lee.Many essays lacking concluding paragraphs end too abruptly or merley trail off; how does Catton avoid these weakeness?

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