
How they can be represented in an er schema

Consider an entity type SECTION in a UNIVERSITY database, which describes the section offerings of courses. The attributes of SECTION are Section_number, Semester, Year, Course_number, Instructor, Room_no (where section is taught), Building (where section is taught), Weekdays (domain is the possible combinations of weekdays in which a section can be offered {‘MWF', ‘MW', ‘TT', and so on}), and Hours (domain is all possible time periods during which sections are offered {‘9-9:50 A.M.', ‘10-10:50 A.M.', ..., ‘3:30-4:50 P.M.', ‘5:30-6:20 P.M.', and so on}). Assume that Section_number is unique for each course within a particular semester/year combination (that is, if a course is offered multiple times during a particular semester, its section offerings are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on). There are several composite keys for section, and some attributes are components of more than one key. Identify three composite keys, and show how they can be represented in an ER schema diagram.

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Basic Computer Science: How they can be represented in an er schema
Reference No:- TGS01400014

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