
How these will be utilized to carry out the functions how



You are required to complete a final project for this course. It requires you to build a fully functional prototype of a standalone gadget which will be an alarm clock and will also display temperature and humidity values.

Project Problem

Build a prototype Arduino UNO-based alarm clock, which should also display temperature and humidity values. It will be a standalone gadget powered by a 9 volt battery or AC adapter. A connection to the computer will only be required to update the firmware. Time information will remain saved even if the external power becomes unavailable.

All the components and modules required to build it are available in the kit. Only the 9V battery (holder is part of the kit) or an AC adapter will be required to be purchased for the final demonstration and continued standalone use.

The following modules and components will be used:

Arduino UNO board
1602 LCD display
DS3231 I2C real time clock
DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor
Piezo buzzer
9V battery connector and jack
LEDs, pushbuttons, resistors, wires, and so forth, as required

Required features:

Ongoing display of time, temperature, and humidity
Date, month, year, and day of week, on demand
Setting or editing time and date
Setting of an alarm

Optional features:

Add snooze to alarm
Stopwatch mode

AM/PM or 24-hour display option


The project will consist of two phases, design and build. The output of the first phase will be a design document which will need to be submitted towards the end of Module 4. Upon completion of the build phase, a final report and demonstration video will be due.

Design Phase

The purpose of the design phase is to start actively thinking and planning for implementation. You have to decide on the user interface, number of LEDs, pushbuttons, modes, and so forth. How these will be utilized to carry out the functions? How will the 16 x 2 display be utilized during normal operation, settings, and option displays?

The design report will be a document prepared in the APA format. It should have the following sections in the main body:

Introduction of the clock gadget
Block diagram of the clock gadget
Design description of features and settings
High level flowchart of the sketch
Paper prototype of some user interface examples using the LCD display and buttons
Implementation steps and timeframe

Title page and references should be in the APA format. No abstract is required.

Build Phase

In the build phase, you will actually put together the components and write the code. Since the deliverable is a prototype, you only need to implement it on the breadboard. Complete and test all the functionality that you build. A written report and a video demonstration are the deliverables for this phase. Submission details are provided below.

Report: The report should list all the major procedures required to complete the work. Here are the general guidelines for the report:

Cover Sheet: The lab report must include a completed cover sheet with your name, student ID number, final project title, and submission date. Note: Your report will not be graded without a completed cover sheet.

Objective: A short paragraph stating the purpose (main ideas) of the project.
Procedure: At the beginning of this section, give a summary description of the

Procedures taken during the development of the clock gadget.

Discussion/Conclusion: State your understanding of this experiment. (What did you learn from this work?) State the challenges and problems faced, and measures taken to resolve these problems and overcome challenges.

Arduino Sketch: At the end of the report, please append the text of the Arduino sketches you have developed. To do this, simply cut the entire text from the Arduino IDE editor window and paste it in the report document. Start on a fresh page.

Video Demonstration: In this section, your video demonstration should provide a visual record of all the completed work. Please start with recording a brief video clip giving your name, course number, and title of the final project. The video should provide a demonstration of all the implemented functionality. You may record video clips for different settings and modes separately according to the instructions provided. Use a video editor to combine all the clips into one video file before you submit/upload to the course website. For guidelines to record and merge video clips, check Record, Merge, and Upload Your Videos.


Paper Prototyping as a Usability Testing Technique- https://usabilitygeek.com/paper-prototyping-as-a-usability-testing-technique/
How to Write an Effective Design Document- https://blog.slickedit.com/2007/05/how-to-write-an-effective-design-document/
Creating a Simple Flowchart in Microsoft Word- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VR7iBImDB4
How to Make a Flow Chart with Google Drive- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asNa86jsWmc
How to Make a Flow Chart in PowerPoint 2010- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJwKZuQUb7g

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Other Engineering: How these will be utilized to carry out the functions how
Reference No:- TGS01722125

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