
How the united states gets power-duties to make decisions


Article II of the U.S. Constitution is where the President of the United States gets his power or duties to make decisions and take actions. According to Sarkesian, Williams, and Cimbala (2013, P112), presidential power doesn't just come from the Constitution alone though. "Traditions, custom, and usage play important roles in determining the power of the Oval Office" (Sarkesian S. C., Williams J. A., & Cimbala S. J., 2013, P.112). In our module notes it states these "jobs" or powers the Presidents holds as follows: Chief Executive, Chief of State, Commander in Chief, Chief Diplomat, Nominator of Diplomats and Key Staff, Recognizer of Foreign Governments. Some come with limitations on what he can and can not do on his own. As the case with being the Nominator of Diplomats and Key Staff, which is shared power with the Senate. He can nominate these position, but it must be agreed upon by the Senate to fill that position. As the Commander in Chief of the Army, Navy, and other states militia, however, the limitations have been a little different. According to module notes, Congress has the authority to declare war, but has seldom used this authority. The President has been the one to put boots on the ground on numerous occasions without waiting on Congress to take action. Presidents from Abraham Lincoln to George W. Bush have used that authority to utilize the U.S. Military to fight against the enemies of the United States. I believe these power can work if the Presidents leadership mentality is in the right place. As long as the President uses the military to secure the nations interests and freedoms, then let them keep this power.


Sarkesian S. C., Williams J. A., & Cimbala S. J. (2013). US national security: policymakers, processes, politics (5th ed.). Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.

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