You will compare and critically evaluate comparable practices or beliefs in two religions we have studied.
1. Choose a topic: parallel of analogous practices, concepts, or beliefs from two of the religions we studied in the course. Give your paper a title that indicates your choice of topic and how you will approach it.
2. Explain your topic, how the two items you chose are analogous or parallel, and the crucial issue that you think explains the difference between the two religions on this issue. State a thesos about the relative merit of the two items. Which is better and why?
3. Compare and contrast the two items, describing what you think is essential to why each religion would think them important and how they differ.
4. Provide the arguments, starting from common ground premises, you think each side would give for their item.
5. Engage in constructive debate of those arguments, allowing each side to object or repy, as is fair and appropriate.
6. Evaluate the evidence and come to a conclusion.