How the travel ban and tariff and import restrictions impact

Discussion Post

• Consider how consumer behavior drives other consumers. In these rare occurrences like the current experience, we tend to follow other consumers who ordinarily wouldn't be considered to be a reference group.

How the travel ban and the tariffs and import restrictions will impact consumers over the next several months or even years? (180 words)

• According to the electronic reading: "The Influence of Package on Consumer Behavior" "Packaging includes designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product" (Jafari, Nia, Salehi, & Zahmatkesh, 2013, para.8)

At times, the packaging can actually replace the product. Consider the Happy Meal container, for example, or Starbuck's coffee cup. Too, back to our grocery store discussion, the photographs on the packaging of pre-cooked, packaged meals (TV Dinners) and other processed products impact our decision making.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: How the travel ban and tariff and import restrictions impact
Reference No:- TGS03088942

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