
How the project relates to the funders priorities

Assignment: You will complete your modified common grant proposal. The proposal will include the following sections:

1. A cover letter to introduce the grant project

2. A summary of the grant project

3. An appeal section that details how the project relates to the funder's priorities

4. A needs statement including data to support the community problem exists

5. A one sentence goal statement

6. Two objectives that measure progress toward meeting the goal

7. A narrative description of the project including methods to achieve the objectives

8. A related annual budget and budget justification

9. A time and task chart that details the who, when, and how of the project components

10. A closing section

11. A list of appendices

Combine the sections completed, the needs statement, goal statement, objectives, project narrative, and annual budget, with the remaining sections you will complete this week to finalize the grant proposal. Make sure to revise the sections completed based on the feedback you have received from your instructor. This week you will need to complete:

1. A cover letter with a business letter format to introduce the grant project

2. A summary of the grant project

3. An appeal section that details how the project relates to the funder's priorities

4. A time and task chart that details the who, when, and how of the project components

5. A closing section

6. A list of appendices

Reference the grant's RFP or instructions for information about whom to address the cover letter. Use the textbook, lectures, and online research to understand what is required by the time and task chart. Be sure that the timing of your chart matches the timing on your described project.

You do not need to include your month-to-month budget and your evaluation plan in the grant proposal. You also do not need to include any materials pertaining to a specific potential recipient organization.

The closing should provide a brief recap of the project, thank the funder for their consideration of the proposal, provide contact information for a nonprofit representative, and include a signature section for the nonprofit representative.

Only a list of appropriate appendices needs to be included in the assignment not the actual appendices. The list should include the information the funder would want to review in addition to the information included in the proposal to make a decision about the grant.

You have misinterpreted what is needed from this assignment. You are to search for and provide information about seven grants according to the types indicated in the instructions: two federal government grants, one state government grant, one local government grant, two foundation grants, and one corporate grant. For each grant you are to provide a summary of the details of the actual grant and a URL to the RFP or instructions for the grant. An example from a past assignment is:

Foundation Source

• The Open Your Heart Foundation offers Hunger and Homeless grants that are targeted toward hunger relief programs, or people experiencing domestic violence, or temporary shelter (housing) for homeless people.

The information you include either discusses funding in general or goes to a page with several grant options. You need to indicate seven specific grants of the types required and provide the information asked for related to each grant.

Then you need to select one specific grant from the seven that would be appropriate to fund your described project. This information is needed for you to e able to complete sections of W5A2 such as the cover letter and appeal section.

You did discuss what you learned from the search process.

Please revise this assignment and resubmit it and I will adjust your grade as appropriate.

You were to select a small to medium size nonprofit to use for the class project and assume the position of the organization's grant writer and apply for funds to run one of the nonprofit's programs. You have selected to use Restore Hope as the nonprofit. To comprehensively describe a program that serves an entire state would be beyond the scope of this project. Basically, too much information would be required to complete the project well. You did not even include a project narrative which is required. You want to focus on only children, but most children get assistance specifically through their schools if they are low income.

To think that you could then just provide food for the children's other food needs at dinner and on weekends and it would not be shared with other family members is unrealistic. You may want to have Restore Hope serve one community in New Mexico or at least only one area. For example, The Food Depot serves the northern part of the state. Here is a link to their annual report. You could use it as an example of the type of program you are conducting.

You were first to provide a needs statement. In this section you are to establish a need exists in the community the nonprofit/program serves. The current information indicates the Restore Hope serves the entire state of New Mexico. You need to reduce the area the nonprofit serves. Also consider providing food for all the people who lack food in the area versus just the children or in the project narrative you will need to explain how food will be provided to just the children. The target group needs to be specifically identified. You provide data that a need exists but that will need to be revised some to also provide data that the need exists in the specific community or area the nonprofit serves. Please continue to work on this section.

You are to provide a one sentence goal statement. The goal statement you provide is one sentence, but it conflicts with your needs statement. You state only children will be served (which hopefully will be changed) but this is not indicated in the goal statement. Also, once the specific area is selected this part of the goal statement should reflect that. You also may want to use significantly reduces instead of eliminated as food insecurity will unlikely be totally eliminated by one program.

You do include two objectives. Each objective includes the elements of time, place, target population, and anticipated increase or decrease. The objectives need to include much more specific information on how the goal will be achieved as well as the four components.

Next a program narrative is needed. Specific, detailed information needs to be provided about the program services both for who the program serves as well as who provides the services. You need to add this section.

You were to include an annual budget and budget justification in the assignment. You included a very brief annual budget, but it is not completed well or comprehensively. Please look at the example provided by the link in the assignment instructions. There is not an income section. There are not line items for the majority of the program expenses. It is not realistic based on the number of children in New Mexico that are food insecure and the goal to eliminate food insecurity in the state. Look at the budget of the food pantry that just serves one part of the state. There is no buget justification included and one is needed to understand the details of each line item of the budget.

You were to include a cash flow budget based on the annual budget in the Excel worksheet template provided by the link in the instructions. You include a annual budget instead that is not consistent with the annual budget in the assignment. It does not balance and does not reflect the other annual budget or even include food?

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Other Subject: How the project relates to the funders priorities
Reference No:- TGS01945967

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