• Using the major business performance management (BPM) processes, describe the general process of how the case study organization will collect data that are relevant to the following:
o Strategize
o Plan
o Monitor
o Act and adjust
• Describe specifically how the organization will formulate a business performance plan, as follows:
o Conduct a current situation analysis.
o Determine the planning horizon.
o Conduct an environmental scan.
o Identify critical success factors.
o Identify the type of report you will use and why
o Complete a gap analysis.
o Create a strategic vision.
o Develop a business strategy.
o Identify strategic objectives and goals.
o Determine how Data Mining works
o Implement the data mining process within your organization. Determine why you are using a specific one.
o Build a technique for predictive model
o Determine if you are using the different types of ANN architectures/or not
o Recognize the implementation of the Understand the concept and formulation of the k-nearest neighbor algorithm (kNN) in your business and specify the reason.
o How would use the difference between text analytics, text mining, and data mining
o All sources should be cited both in-text and in the References section using APA format.