
How the opposite gender processes feelings

Problem 1) All relationships involve conflict and anger, and knowing how different our brain structures are, and how interwoven the differences between structures are, we can better relate to one another. It's crucial for us to rethink our expectations of one another during conflict situations. Knowing what you know now from the reading, how do you need to rethink your expectations?

Problem 2) What are the specific things that used to bother you about the opposite gender's behavior (example: mens glazed over eyes when relationships are discussed) that became more clear from the reading? What is your plan to remember what you learned and extend grace in the future?

Problem 3) The book states, "men read feelings by asking about them and accepting the answers. Women read feelings through instinct and intuition." What could we learn from how the opposite gender processes feelings? How can we integrate that knowledge into how we personally communicate?

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Reference No:- TGS03382130

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