
How the mandated activity will foster a culture of

Assignment Description & Length:


This assignment builds on the Third Applied Communication Skills Project: Writing a Process Directive Memo. For this assignment, assume that the CEO and other company executives were so pleased with your process directive memo, that they asked you to create a presentation launching the mandatory initiative described in that memo.

But company executives are concerned about "buy-in" from employees; they want to avoid a situation where employees begrudgingly attend the mandated activity described in your memo without understanding its importance or how the mandated activity will foster a culture of inclusion for transgender employees. Given these concerns, your presentation is a persuasive one designed to motivate and to engage employees.

Your PowerPoint presentation will be disseminated via an online platform. Employees will be required to view it prior to engaging in the activity described in your memo. When planning content and design, review the Strategies for Persuading with Excellence on pp. 260-264 of the text and PowerPoint and Other Supporting Aids on pp. 293-302 of the text. Furthermore, the Module 4, Class 10 Supplemental Reading List contains additional resources about how to design engaging PowerPoint presentations.


Because the specific presentation purpose is to motivate and to engage employees, not to inform or to describe the mandated activity (i.e., that was the purpose of your process directive memo), limit your presentation to no more than 10 PowerPoint slides.

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Business Management: How the mandated activity will foster a culture of
Reference No:- TGS02321524

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