
How the life-span perspective views human development

Assignment Task 1:

Q1. The scientific foundation of human development is based on what?

Q2. Explain the following recurring issues in human development:

  • Nature V. Nurture
  • Continuity V. Discontinuity
  • Universal V. Copntext-Specific Development

Q3. Who developed the first comprehensive life-span view?

Q4. Jean Piaget's theory could be best described as what type of theory?

Q5. Describe how the life-span perspective views human development.

Q6. Contrast reliability and validity.

Q7. What is a longitudinal study?

Assignment Task 2:

Q1. Describe what is meant by polygenic inheritance.

Q2. What is meant by nonshared environmental influences?

Q3. Contrast the cephalocaudal and the proximodistal principles.

Q4. Approximately how many mothers are affected by postpartum depression?

Q5. What are the affects of maternal stress on a developing fetus?

Q6. Familiarize yourself with countries that have high and low infant mortality rates. Where does the US rank?

Assignment Task 3:

Q1. What is an Apgar score?  Describe what the different scores mean.

Q2. What is SIDS and what conditions are more conducive to a child experiencing SIDS? 

Q3. Define temperament, and what does the research show about temperament?

Q4. Describe malnutrition and when it is most harmful to children.

Q5. Is language primarily controlled by the right or left hemisphere of the brain?

Q6. Describe how infants perceive depth and describe the visual cliff experiment. p. 105

Assignment Task 4:

Q1. Describe Piaget's principles of schemes, assimilation, and accommodation.

Q2. What is meant by object permanence, egocentrism, and centration?

Q3. Contrast classical and operant conditioning. 

Q4. What is meant by zone of proximal development, scaffolding, and private speech? 

Q5. Identify the steps to speech and clarify if infants understand what people say before the ability to speak is present. 

Q6. What should parents do to encourage language growth in their children? 

Assignment Task 5:

Q1. Describe the first three stages of Erikson's psychosocial development.

Q2. Explain Mary Ainsworth's study on attachment.  What is the title of the study? 

Q3. At what age do most scientists believe complex emotions emerge?

Q4. Contrast parallel and cooperative play.

Q5. Describe empathy and why it is important in children.

Q6. What techniques foster altruism in children?

Assignment Task 6:

Q1. Describe the concrete-operational and the formal-operational periods.

Q2. What are some of the criticisms of Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development?

Q3. Describe intelligence quotient and how it is calculated. 

Q4. What are the characteristics of gifted children?  Are they more or less mature than their non-gifted peers?

Q5. Mental retardation is classified as having what range of scores on intelligence tests? 

Q6. Describe the characteristics of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Assignment Task 7:

Q1. Describe Diana Baumrind's four parenting styles.

Q2. Contrast physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and neglect.

Q3. What new aspect of friendship develops during adolescence? 

Q4. What are the causes and consequences of rejection?

Q5. What are some effective ways to combat bullying in schools?

Assignment Task 8:

Q1. Differentiate growth spurt ages in males and females. 

Q2. What are the psychological consequences of early maturation for girls?

Q3. What has the research shown about obesity? 

Q4. Differentiate anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Q5. Describe Kohlberg's levels and sub-stages of moral reasoning.

Q6. Describe cultural differences in moral reasoning. 

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Reference No:- TGS03213069

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