
How the lazarus story represents taylorrsquos theory and

Between 350-500 words summarizing how the Lazarus story represents Taylor’s theory and strategy for combating poverty.
Remember, in a metaphor (or allegory, which is an extended metaphor) various objects, persons and events represent something else besides their literal meaning.
Ask, What is the symbolic meaning in the Lazarus story (concerning poverty) for each of the following elements:
• What does the stone represent? Who must move it?
• Who or what does Lazarus represent?
• What does Jesus represent? (Don’t give a religious answer.)
• Who are the people at the tomb? That is, whom do they represent in the problem of poverty?
• What are the three commands of Jesus, to whom are they issued, what do Jesus’ commands represent in Taylor’s strategy to combat poverty, and what are the responses to his three commands?

Be a good detective. Treat the Lazarus story like a code, and it is your duty to unravel its meaning. Sometimes the answer may be obvious. Sometimes you must look beyond the obvious answer.
. . . . But when you find the right answers you will understand the power of Taylor’s amazingly successful 34-year campaign against poverty in select neighborhoods in our nation’s capital.
. . . . You will also have some clues about certain dynamics that apply to virtually any other social problem faced by America today.

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Reference No:- TGS0790719

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