In the early 1939 Hitler authorized the so called children euthanasia after a father's petition, even through the authorization was verbal this lead to the death of around 5000 kids and infants with hereditary disease. later that same year Hitler asked his personal physician Brant and his head of Chancellery if they can developed a similar program destined for adults which life are not worth living. the real implication of this secretive murder program will be one of the frame work of the Nazi racial politics as euthanasia as a voluntary suicide. the letter signed in person by Hitler constitute as the official authorization to carry out this murder program.
This primary source represent the theme the first idea of the program to remove infants that are attain with hereditary disease and then as a development of the same idea expanded the program to adults as the regime wanted to show the radical ways when it comes to the usefulness of the population as if you are not useful to the regime you may be removed by our legal program, and if your not as what is conformed by the Nazi rules you will be removed by the government. The euthanasia plan will be in the regime future there way to removed undesired persons who doesn't fit their racial believes or the regime standard.
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