Norovirus(nv) is a common, recurring disease worldwide. The disease is caused by a single-stranded RNA virus which infects the cells of the intestine, causing vomiting and diarrhoea. The protein capsid includes antigens specific to nv but since there is considerable genetic variation of its structure, there are many different strains with slightly different antigens. The protein capsid also protects the virus it is resistant to heat (up to 60°C), acid and organic solvents. The symptoms of nv infection are short-lasting but transmission between individuals is high, making outbreaks of nv a serious public health problem for closed communities such as care homes and schools.
You have to use your knowledge of microbes from studying this topic to produce the text of an information leaflet about nv for nursing staff who work in care homes. I should include information about viral infections, how infection occurs, how norovirus is spread, and how to prevent transmission, as well as how the human body responds to infection and any possible preventative treatments.