How the film intersects with the course materials



1. Film Viewing: Watch the assigned film Pass or Fail: Cambodiatown . Carefully, paying attention to elements that relate to course themes, discussions, or readings.

2. Critical Film Reflection: Craft a post (250-350 words) exploring how the film intersects with the course materials: . Course Themes: Identify specific themes or concepts from the course that resonate with the film. . Relevance to Readings: Discuss how the film complements, challenges, or expands upon ideas presented in course readings, lecture or discussions. . Social or Cultural Context: Analyze how the film reflects or comments on societal, cultural, or historical issues discussed in the course. Feel free to post your own thoughts, response, and personal reflection of the film.

3. Peer Response: Respond to at least one peer's post (100-150 words) by:



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