
How the film broadened and or influenced the students

Movie Reaction Paper

Each student will write a reaction paperto the film "Rape on the Night Shift".

This paper must be four full pages in length.The paper must include a one-page movie review and a three-page discussion ofthe film's content and its relevance to this course and the social workprofession.

These papers must conform to APA style guidelines (6th Edition).

Studentsmust address each of the following areas in these movie reviewpapers:

A. Social work relevant issues presented in thefilm.

B. Note the plight or difficulties of one or more of the film's maincharacters, and what social or economic factors contribute to this problem.

C. The student's (i.e. your) emotional response to thefilm.

D. How the film broadened and or influenced the student's (i.e.your) perspectives on identity and gendered violence.

E. Relate the film to current course discussions and coursecontent.

F. Rate the film between 1 and 5 (1 is the lowest score and 5 is thehighest score).

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Dissertation: How the film broadened and or influenced the students
Reference No:- TGS02746533

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