The film I have chosen for this report is Legend of the Fall.
Tech specs for submissions to Film Reports in your LEO Assignments folder:300+ words; 1-inch margins all around; 12 pt. font; double-spaced; name, title and page number in footer or header on every page; title your Report with the name of the film on which you are reporting, centered, in bold font; you may also expand the title as you please, according to your approach in your writing.
Please submit your Report as a Word document with the extension .doc and not .docx
These Film Reports may consider, comment on, and interconnect the aesthetic and technical aspects of the films, such as:
•editing, montage, filmic structure
•cinematography, camerawork, lighting
•production design, sets, costumes, special effects, style
•music and sound
Equally (if not more) important will be to consider and write about the following:
•what (and how) do movies mean?
•theme, content, genre, intention, audience
•social dimension and function: what the film says and means about the world, and particularly today's multi-cultures (in all their broad meanings and permutations)
•personal dimension: how the film affects you personally (identification, engagement, pleasure, excitement, alienation, boredom, etc. - how and why?)