
How the digital image receptor obtains radiographic image



When it comes to digital image receptors, there are a few different systems that can be used. In general, the latent image is captured on the digital detector and is then processed by a computer. Once the image is displayed on the computer, it can be altered before it is sent to the radiologist.

During your clinical rotations and/or once you graduate, you may work with CR systems or DR systems. For this problem, you will investigate the digital imaging process for both CR and DR types of systems.

In this problem, you will need to create two, single-page educational flyers -- one for CR systems and the other for DR systems. Your CR and DR flyers should be developed as handouts which would be appropriate for new radiology students who are going to complete clinical rotations in an environment using digital image receptors (do not include any of the film screen imaging information).

Transferable Skill - Information Literacy: Discovering information reflectively, understanding how information is produced and valued, and using information to create new knowledge and participate ethically in communities of learning.


For this problem, complete Part 1 and Part 2 in one document:

Part A: CR System

Create a one-page educational flyer that:

1) Provides a basic overview of how the CR system works that explains how the digital image receptor obtains the radiographic image and transfers the image to the computer.

2) Uses an image, diagram, or drawing of the CR system.

3) Describes advantages/disadvantages of image receptors

Part B: DR System

Create a one-page educational flyer that:

1) Provides a basic overview of how the DR system works that explains how the digital image receptor obtains the radiographic image and transfers the image to the computer.

2) Uses an image, diagram, or drawing of the CR system.

3) Describes advantages/disadvantages of image receptors.

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Other Subject: How the digital image receptor obtains radiographic image
Reference No:- TGS03359576

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