Part A:
How Beliefs Govern Our Lives
Where do beliefs come from about how we should look or live our lives? Think of two faulty beliefs you may hold about something and how these faulty beliefs impact the way you think or behave on a daily basis. Think about how long you have held these faulty beliefs, how they have impacted your life negatively, and most importantly how you can apply theory to help you resolve these issues.
Part B:
Terms Defined
Define these terms in your OWN words. Knowledge of these terms will assist you in understanding the material presented.
- Anorexia nervosa
- Bulimia nervosa
- Binge eating disorder
- Leptin
- Grehlin
- Serotonin
- Risk factors for eating disorders
- Family behaviors and eating disorders
- Personality disorder types
- Psychological treatment for obese patients
- Adolescent treatment for anorexia
Personality disorders:
- Borderline
- Histrionic
- Narcissistic
- Paranoid
- Schizoid
- Schizotypal
Part C:
Genetic Determinant
The role of genes and weight gain appears to be highly correlated in many studies. Write a 500 word paper in APA style examining how the determinant of weight gain is based on these genes and what interventions can be done to prevent excessive weight gain despite these genes.
Include in your discussion the role of nature and nurture.