
How the correction fixes the violation

Assignment Part 1: Initial Post

The U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee is many things. It started as a study of poor black men with untreated syphilis in rural Alabama. The major, national government health agency sponsored the study, which ran from the late 1930s to the early 1970s. When reported in the national press in the early 1970s, it inspired outrage, a Congressional investigation, and reform of the oversight of human subjects research in the U.S.

The initial premise of the Tuskegee study was to study untreated syphilis in black men. In this activity, you are to pick one of the ethical principles articulated in the Belmont Report: autonomy, benevolence, and justice (Shamoo and Resnik, 2015, p. 252-254). Then explain how you would redesign an aspect of the study to fix a specific violation of that principle, and tell us how it fixes that violation and why you chose that particular solution. Make sure you use a specific example from the study (include dates as well).

One of these principles cannot be fixed by redesigning the study. If you chose that principle then you need to explain how you would change the premise of the study to fix the principle violation, why you chose your particular correction to the premise, and how that correction fixes the violation.

Assignment Part 2: Response

Respond to a peer' posts by saying whether you see if there are potential problems with their solution, or if their solution might also fix other problems in the study (either with the same principle or other principles).

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