Hero journey:
I was researching mapping because it shows how it took me a lot to get to where I am now. I went from 2004-2018. Since I went through different traumatic events where I was happy, hopeful, sad and just over it. So what made me go into mapping was that it shows how when you are traveling it takes you from one location to where you are trying to get. It took me a lot to get me where I am now. As a child I always thought my dad would change year after year and I didn't get that. Until I came to realize that people don't change unless they actually care to change. So what I did was go to the Ualbany database and found different articles on mapping that I felt that related to what I was going through now. My dad doesn't show emotion and I wear his ring in hopes of change, then this can be a difficult situation. It is important to remember that I cannot force my dad to change, and it is ultimately up to him to make any changes. That being said, it is ok to show my dad my feelings and express your needs. You may be surprised by his reaction. It is also important to take care of yourself and find ways to cope with any negative emotions or feelings of loneliness or abandonment that may come up. I could try talking to a trusted friend or family member, a counselor, or look into support groups. It may also be beneficial to explore the history of the ring and find out what it means to you and why it was meaningful to my dad. Doing so might give me more insight into your dad and his emotions. Lastly, it is important to remember that even if your dad does not show emotion, he still loves you and it is ok to find solace in that. So my map shows a timeline to show how now I'm not mad and I'm at peace.
A. Look at your Hero's Journey map. Give us a brief historical overview of how the conversation about your topic has developed and or changed over time. What did scholars talk about in the early publications? What do they talk about now?
B. Group your sources together based on commonality and difference (sources = people with ideas!). Which sources are most alike? What pairs well with what? What are least alike? What are most at odds? Etc. Explain your reasoning. You can have a variety of groupings as long as they make sense to you.
C. Which source, or combination of sources, has had the most information you didn't previously know? What is it and what didn't you know?
D. Which source, or combination of sources, have you found yourself agreeing with the most and why?
E. Which source, or combination of sources, have you objected to the most and why? (If there isn't one, you can say that.)
F. Which source, or combination of sources, has led you to make the most interesting discoveries about your topic and/or question about your topic so far and why?
G. If you could talk to one or two of the authors about your topic, or choose one or two sources to examine closely, who/what would they be and why?
H. Whatever you choose for 7, this is (probably) what you'll closely analyze in your Analysis Inquiry.