
How the company makes or plans to make money

Digital market project project one

The company's name is: Drake refrigeration. I will upload the interview content of the client from this company about their marketing that could help to write this paper. This is a group work total need to write up a 2-3 page Client Brief that summarizes what you learned and turn it in for this assignment. My part are only A2 and A4, please looked at the interview and search some information online to write 1-2 pages about

A2 and A4.

A1. How the company makes (or plans to make) money. For startups, summarize where they are in their development.

A2. Target audience(s) for the company.

A3. Summary of current marketing. Make sure to include information about how many users they have on each marketing channel that you might use for your A/B test.

A4. Three preliminary ideas for A/B tests. Please be sure to describe what treatments you plan to use (mock-ups are great!) and what response measure you plan to use to compare the treatments.

Attachment:- marketing_digital_interview_mgkt_367.rar

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Marketing Management: How the company makes or plans to make money
Reference No:- TGS01754863

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