Discuss the below:
The course project gives you an opportunity to see how the Check function of PDCA works by conducting an audit against the ANSI-Z10 standard. If you can get access to the objective evidence called for in the project, that is great. If you can't get all of it, use what you can get and what you know (or presume) about your organization. For missing or unknown information you can also describe how you think it should be in your organization. The most important part of the project is demonstrating your knowledge of what a World Class safety organization can look like.
Below is the checklist that is used when grading the Unit VIII Course Project. Please use this checklist to ensure that you address everything that is needed!
Course Project Checklist
1) 7 pages minimum (not counting title and reference page)
2) Title page
3) Reference page
4) Discussion of each element
Mgmt Leadership Procurement
OS&H Policy Emergency Preparedness
Responsibility and authority Training
Ee Participation Monitoring and Measurement
Reviews (Initial and Ongoing) Incident Investigation
Assessment and Prioritization Audits
Heirarchy of Controls Corrective/Preventative Action
Design Review Feedback
MOC Mgmt Review
5) Rate each element (world class, strong, moderate, limited)
6) Recommendations for improvement
7) Summary