
How the body protects itself from microbes

Assignment task: Immune System

Instructions: Complete the attached WebQuest on the immune system. Watch the videos and review the web sites provided. Answer all questions in the attachment.

  • Submission Method: Upload Word Doc or PDF
  • Attempts: Three with the lastest submission by due date used for grading

WEBQUEST: The Immune System!

Part One:

Go to YouTube and watch the video:

Introduction to how the immune system works (03:15)

Watch the first 2:40 of the following video that gives an overview of how the body protects itself from microbes and explains how the first and second lines of defense work.

1. List and give a brief explanation of the body's three defenses.

2. How do each of the following protect the body: skin, sweat glands, mucus membranes, and acids in the stomach protect the body?

3. What are three nonspecific internal defenses? 

Part Two:

Watch the following video about natural killer cells. Immune System - Natural Killer Cell (03:01)

What are natural killer cells? What kinds of cells do they attack?  How do they work?  Is this a specific or nonspecific defense?

Part Three:

Watch the Bozeman podcast on The Immune System and answer the following questions. The Immune System (02:52)

Mr. Anderson compares the defense of a castle to the defense of a human body.  Complete the following chart of that analogy. Mention three specific parts of the castle and the parts of the human body that correspond and explain how they help defend us.

Part of Castle Part of the Human Body Explanation of how they help defend us

1. What is an "antigen"?

2. What are lymphocytes and what are the two major classes of lymphocytes?  In what part of the body are each type created?

3. Explain the humoral response.  What kinds of cells and chemicals are involved?  Explain the functions of each of these cells and chemicals.

4. Explain the cell-mediated response.  What kinds of cells are involved? Explain the functions of each of these cells.  (HINT: "killer" T cells are the same as "cytotoxic" T cells!)

5. What is the role of a macrophage in the immune response (in terms of triggering a specific immune response)?

6. What specific kind of cell is attacked by HIV?  Why is this so damaging to the immune system?

7. How does a cold virus get around the fact that our immune systems produce memory cells against them?

Part Four:

Go to this web page that further explains the difference between primary and secondary immune response. 

Read through the webpage and answer the questions below. Microbiologynotes.com

Complete the chart:   

Primary Immune Response Secondary Immune Response
When does this response occur?
(first or subsequent infection)

How long does it take for the body to respond to the antigen?

What immune cells are involved?

Does the body usually display symptoms of being "sick"?

Part Five:

Go to the following website. Read through the information and answer the questions below: CDC Vaccines and Immunizations

1. Distinguish between natural and artificial immunity.  Give an example of each.

2. Distinguish between passive and active immunity.  Give an example of each.

3. How does a vaccine work in conjunction with an individual's immune system to protect an individual against disease?

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Biology: How the body protects itself from microbes
Reference No:- TGS03430838

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