You are working in a community mental health center. The director wants a presentation for an all-staff training meeting, providing the staff a detailed overview of legal and ethical issues that the staff face while working in mental health treatment.
There have been problems with some clients complaining. Client's rights advocates report that there have been many complaints filed in the agency about the following issues:
1) Confidentiality
2) Client dignity
3) Reporting child abuse
4) Duty to warn
They need to have clarification from staff to handle these issues appropriately.
Decide on 1 of the following topics listed above to present to the director for their presentation to the staff meeting. The following should be included:
1) Provide a description and overview of the topic chosen and why it is important to clients and the legal and ethical implications.
2) Outline a case scenario based on the client population that would illustrate an example of the topic chosen, and show an example that helps the staff understand.
3) Give a detailed explanation on how the agency staff should assist each other and clients in becoming more aware of the chosen topic and avoid mistakes related to the topic.
4) Specifically call out ethical and legal concerns that need to be considered by the staff and explain why.