
How the addictive personality can develop in an individual

Question 1: Describe addiction as a process and the stages (phases) of addiction with a particular focus on the addiction cycle.

Give concrete (specific) examples

Question 2: Reason about how the addictive personality can develop in an individual (person).

Also explain how addictive logic can affect the self-perception of the sufferer as well as the addiction's delusional system.

Give concrete (specific) examples

 Question 3: Reason for the risks that addiction poses to society, such as breaking the law and financial problems. Also explain what physical and psychological signs there may be of a breakdown due to dependence in the individual.

Give concrete (specific) examples

Question 4: Explain the parts of recovery and discuss how factors such as honesty, responsibility and shame play into an individual's (person's) recovery process.

Give concrete (specific) examples

Question 5: Discuss with concrete examples about factors (circumstances) in growing up and family life that can affect the sensitivity of individuals (persons) to developing an addictive disease.

Give concrete (specific) examples

Question 6: Reflect on the three most important lessons you yourself received after reading the course Abuse and injury risks and how you can use these insights in your working life and also in your private life.

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Other Subject: How the addictive personality can develop in an individual
Reference No:- TGS03212448

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