
How technology can improve a online learning discuss and

Reading & Writing

Please add to my summarize ,or , make corrections, as needed. I have attached the work cited for the article read.

Part 1

Discuss and briefly summarize it in the forum. Then discuss the main point of the article and explain to the class why you chose that particular article. Does this article discuss an issue that relates to your life in some way? What else do you have to say about the article? Finally, let the class know if you believe this article to be useful in a formal research essay and explain why.

Part 2

" Issues Facing Education "

"How Technology Can Improve a Online Learning "

As I began my journey in selecting a school to obtain my degree, I look at what could be convenient for me and my family time. The biggest issue that I found in looking fir a school was the cost. American Public University System was a heaven sent. Although a school established for military, but open to the public was very impressed to me along with being affordable.

Robert Mendenhall, wrote this article where he analyzes the measure of quality, whether you are classed or online. The article looked at the observation on dropout rates across 1300 colleges, based on admission criteria and students. ( Mendenhall,2011) Another area looked at was more working adults, are enroll in entry graduate with a bachelor degree are 27% of full-time, with part-time dropped to 10.6% than younger students.

I have to agree with Mendenhall the real question of quality, not the number of people graduate, but what the student knows. It was stated that the United States fall behind the worked percentage of adults with a degree (Mendenhall,2011) . So how do we overcome that dilemma? Find affordable schooling that allowed you to work at your pace, then complete some kind of competence to show the student has mastered that skill.

Work Cited

Mendenhall, R. W. (2011). How technology can improve online learning.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/902848612?accountid=8289

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