
How technologies can effectively promote student learning

In the link there is a webinar vedio when you scrol down on the page. I also attatch the rubric all I want to include the paper in EDU533 webinar litreview, and the another attached isthecourse learning outcomesto include connections to it .



1. Demonstrate the understanding of how technologies can effectively promote student learning

2. Evaluate and use a variety of current technologies to enhance content instruction and to advance student's technological literacy

3. Design meaningful and authentic digitally based learning experiences with multiple and varied assessments.

4. Reflect upon and demonstrate effective use of digital tools and resources.

5. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of safe, ethical, legal and moral practices related to digital information and technology.

6. Illustrate through application how state and national standards are implemented within the curriculum (e.g., NH Curriculum Frameworks, ISTE (NETS-Teacher/NETS-Student) and NH-ICT Literacy Standards for K-12 Students (306.42))

7. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of adaptive technologies and other digital resources to personalize and
differentiate learning activities for every student.

8. Evaluate, adapt and reflect on emerging tools and trends by participating in local and global learning communities and by reviewing current research and professional literature.

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Other Subject: How technologies can effectively promote student learning
Reference No:- TGS0552656

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