
How teacher apply the features of comprehensible input


How would a teacher apply the features of "comprehensible input" into a lesson?

The three strategies that improve student achievement are presented in the SIOP Model (Ecchevaria, Vogt, & Short, 2004). Preparation is the first component and includes features of planning a lesson which provide students with learning opportunities to acquire content knowledge and academic language simultaneously. Another SIOP component is Comprehensible Input which focuses on ensuring students are to able access grade level content knowledge regardless of proficiency level. Lesson Delivery supports the effectiveness of planning in preparation and ensuring comprehensible input through a lesson.

Comprehensible Input

Comprehensible input is the notion that language should be presented in a manner that allows students the opportunity to access content and develop language proficiency (Krashen, 1981). Teachers make new learning accessible to ELLs by incorporating a variety of techniques to clarify content within a context-embedded learning environment (Faltis, 2006). This may include visuals, total physical response, adjustment of speech (when appropriate), and explicit direction (Gibbons, 2002).

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