
How tall of a water column in inches equals 1 psig 299

1. An object on earth has a mass of 45 lbm. What is its weight on earth? Assuming that gravity on the moon is 1/6th that of earth. What is its mass and weight on the surface of the moon? Show Work

2. An object has a density of 0.0136 lbm/ft3. If it has a mass of 3.25 lbm, what is the volume of the object? What is the specific volume of the object? Show Work

3. The specific gravity of water at 60°F is 1.000. If the temperature is raised to 100°F, what happens to the value of specific gravity? Explain

4. What is the pressure reading at sea level in the absolute (Pabs), atmospheric (Patm) and gauge (Pgauge) scales? Explain

5. A 30 foot tall water tower open to atmosphere is full of pure water. What is the pressure at the bottom of the tower and at the halfway point in absolute and gage pressure? Show Work

6. How tall of a water column in inches equals 1 psig? Show Work

7. An open tank full of water 10 feet tall and 18 feet in diameter has a pressure gauge at the top and at the bottom of the tank. What are the psig readings on each of these gauges?

8. 29.9 inches of mercury provides 1 atmosphere of pressure. How many inches of mercury will provide 1 psi of pressure? Show Work

9. 408 inches of pure water provides 1 atmosphere of pressure. How many inches of pure water provides 1 psi of pressure? Show work

10. Convert the following: (Use conversion factors below as needed).

14.7 psia = 408 inches of water
14.7 psia = 29.9 inches of mercury
atm is abbreviation for atmospheres
5 psiv to psig
2 atm to psia
12 inches of H2O to inches of mercury
10 psi to inches of mercury
Absolute zero pressure to psia
0 psig to atm.

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Physics: How tall of a water column in inches equals 1 psig 299
Reference No:- TGS01566524

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