How successfully public health department has communicated

Assignment task: Review a series of at least videos each on YouTube playlists of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

In a paper of 1,250-1,500 words, critique how successfully the public health department has communicated information and health messages in each video. Include the following in your critique:

1. A description of the health issue that is the focus of the video.

2. A critique of whether this new media platform was leveraged to its full potential.

3. An evaluation of whether the communication and health messages were engaging and had the potential to mobilize the community, including building constituency relations, engendering strategic partnerships, or engaging community organizations and leaders.

4. An assessment of the cultural appropriateness of the message with regard to the intended audience, including how cultural competence is important in communicating public health content.

5. An overall judgment on whether the communication and health message was effective for the intended audience. Include any recommendations or suggestions to improve the health communication or health message. Use the examples and evidence from the research literature to support your recommendations.

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