
How successful was the manager at getting a commitment to

Preparing for Skill-Development Exercise 3 You should have read and understood the text material on coaching. You may also view Behavior Model Video 6.2. Doing Skill-Development Exercise 3 in Class Objective To develop your skill at improving performance through coaching The primary AACSB learning standard skill developed through this exercise is leadership. Experience You will coach, be coached, and be observed coaching using Model 6.4 from the text.
Procedure 1 (2-4 minutes) Break into groups of three. Make some groups of two, if necessary. Each member selects one of the following three situations in which to be the manager, and a different one in which to be the employee. In each situation, the employee knows the standing plans, but is not motivated to follow them. You will take turns coaching and being coached. Three Employee-Coaching Situations

1. Employee 1 is a clerical worker. The person uses files, as do the other ten employees in the department. The employees all know that they are supposed to return the files when they are finished so that others can find the files when they need them. Employees should have only one file out at a time. The supervisor notices that employee 1 has five files on the desk, and another employee is looking for one of them. The supervisor thinks that employee 1 will complain about the heavy workload as an excuse for having more than one file out at a time.

2. Employee 2 is a server in an ice cream shop. The person knows that the tables should be cleaned up quickly after customers leave so that new customers do not have to sit at dirty tables. It's a busy night. The supervisor finds dirty dishes on two of this employee's occupied tables. Employee 2 is socializing with some friends at one of the tables. Employees are supposed to be friendly; employee 2 will probably use this as an excuse for the dirty tables.

3. Employee 3 is an auto technician. All employees at the garage where this person works know that they are supposed to put a paper mat on the floor of each car so that the carpets don't get dirty. When the service supervisor got into a car repaired by employee 3, the car did not have a mat and there was grease on the carpet. Employee 3 does excellent work and will probably mention this fact when coached.
Procedure 2 (3-7 minutes) Prepare for coaching to improve performance. On the following lines, each group member writes an outline of what he or she will say when coaching employee 1, 2, or 3, following the coaching steps listed:

1. Describe current performance.

2. Describe the desired behavior.

3. Get a commitment to the change.

4. Follow up.

Procedure 3 (5-8 minutes) A. Role-playing. The manager of employee 1, the clerical worker, coaches him or her as planned. (Use the actual name of the group member playing employee

1. Talk--do not read your written plan.) Employee 1, put yourself in the worker's position. You work hard; there is a lot of pressure to work fast. It's easier when you have more than one fi le. Refer to the workload while being coached. Both the manager and the employee will have to improvise their roles. The person not playing a role is the observer. He or she takes notes using the observer form. Try to make positive coaching feedback comments for improvement. Give the manager alternative suggestions for what he or she could have said to improve the coaching session. Observer Form

1. How well did the manager describe current behavior?

2. How well did the manager describe desired behavior?

3. How successful was the manager at getting a commitment to the change? Do you think the employee would change?

4. How well did the manager describe how he or she was going to follow up to ensure that the employee performed the desired behavior?

B. Feedback. The observer leads a discussion on how well the manager coached the employee. (This should be a coaching discussion, not a lecture.) Focus on what the manager did well, and on how the manager could improve. The employee should also give feedback on how he or she felt, and what might have been more effective in getting him or her to change. Do not go on to the next interview until you are told to do so. If you finish early, wait for the others to finish. Procedure 4 (5-8 minutes) Same as procedure 3, but change roles so that employee 2, the server, is coached. Employee 2 should make a comment about the importance of talking to customers to make them feel welcome. The job is not much fun if you can't talk to your friends. Procedure 5 (5-8 minutes) Same as procedure 3, but change roles so that employee 3, the auto technician, is coached. Employee 3 should comment on the excellent work he or she does. Conclusion The instructor leads a class discussion and makes concluding remarks. Apply It (2-4 minutes) What did I learn from this experience? How will I use this knowledge in the future? When will I practice? Sharing In the group, or to the entire class, volunteers may give their answers to the "Apply It" questions.

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English: How successful was the manager at getting a commitment to
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