
How successful the goal of reuniting the country

Problem: What kind of campaign statement is the author of the following passage making? What does this indicate about how successful the goal of reuniting the country in a friendly way had been?

Passage: " Waving the Bloody Flag/ Shirt ( Bloody Shirt was part of the expression "waving the bloody shirt," referring to a political ploy used in campaigns during the Reconstruction period, following the Civil War. This term described the attempts made by radical northern Republicans to defeat southern Democrats)

Every state that seceded from the United States was a Democratic State....Every man that shot Union soldiers was a Democrat. Every man that loved slavery better than liberty was a Democrat. The man that assassinated Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat....Every man that raised bloodhounds to pursue human beings was a Democrat. Every man that clutched from shrieking, shuddering, crouching mothers, babes from their breasts, and sold them into slavery, was a Democrat.

Robert G. Ingersoll, 1876"

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