How subtle are their arguments

ORGB 3201 Organizational Behavior Homework- Northeastern University

The project will build on Organizational Behavior concepts and apply analytical skills that you are developing in this course. The project will provide you with an opportunity to delve into a topic in detail, and allow you to learn more about something that interests you. Ideally, the project should deal with a topic of personal significance to you or an industry, organization, and/or sector which you are interested in exploring and possibly working in.

In terms of the "type" of study, your options are as follows:

1) Field Study of a research question (see below for possible topics)

2) Case analysis of an OB process (organizational culture of a specific firm, team development in a specific team; performance review system...)

3) Critical literature analysis (I will add some library guide sites to BlackBoard that talk about the details of this option)

4) Leader's point of view (after talking about the question you want to answer, interview 2-3 executives, report the results).

Topics can be listed as -but not limited to- the following:

o Motivating employees for environmental, social and economic sustainability
o Is intrinsic or extrinsic motivation better for our organization
o Relation of job satisfaction and " " (whatever you think job satisfaction affects or is affected by)
o Relation between contemporary leadership theories and mega economic and social trends
o Comparative analysis of performance measurement systems (focus on 2 or 3)
o Advantages disadvantages of flat organizational structure
o Measuring organizational culture
o Relation between training and organizational commitment
o Characteristics of a good training program
o Personality and hiring: should employers select based on personality
o Servant leadership vs. Transformational leadership
o Effects of trust on motivation
o Conflict in cross-cultural teams
o Validity of Holocracy as an organizational structure
o Organizational culture and social networks
o Personality variables of entrepreneurs
o Increasing motivation with extrinsic rewards
o How to introduce and manage organizational change
o Gender differences in leadership
o Symbols of organizational culture
o Negotiation strategies used by leaders
o Motivation of physical workers versus knowledge workers
o Innovative corporate culture: how to foster and maintain?
o Corporate Social Responsibility and Motivation
o Virtual Organizations
o Team decision making: pros and cons
o High performance work practices
o Effective use of power and influence
o Gender differences in influence tactics
o Organizational power and politics: advantages and disadvantages
o Mobbing and organizational commitment

This is in no way a suggestion list or an exhaustive list. Use this as a guide in formulating what interests YOU!!!

References: Here is a list of prominent journals as academic references: Business Press:

o Sloan Management Review
o California Management Review
o Economist
o Business Week
o Financial Times
o New York Times (Business Section)
o Newsweek
o Human Resource Management Academic journals:
o Academy of Management series (journal, review, perspectives)
o Leadership Quarterly
o Strategic Management Journal
o Organization Science
o Journal of Applied Psychology
o Journal of Management
o Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
o Psychological Bulletin
o Journal of Organizational Behavior
o Psychological Review
o OB and Human Decision Processes
o Social Networks
o European Management Review
o Personnel Review
o Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
o Business Horizons
o Research in Organizational Behavior
o Leadership
o British Journal of Industrial Relations
o Organization Studies
o European Management Journal
o Group and Organization Management
o Cross cultural Management
o Gender, Work and Organization
o Journal of management Inquiry
o European Business Review
o Journal of General Management
o Competition and Change
o International Journal of Management
o Work, Employment and Society
o Work and Occupations
o Organizational Dynamics
o Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
o Negotiation Journal
o Leadership Quarterly
o Leadership and Organizational Development

Also, you can check out the Top 45 most influential management journals as listed in the Financial Times (across disciplines, not just OB).

You should critically evaluate all other information sources using the following criteria:

o Outlet where it was published

Does is seem to be widely circulated and cited?
Is it on the list of suggested sources? Is it in an NU database?
Is it highly ranked (ask me about journal rankings or google the term)? Is it peer reviewed? Does it, in turn, cite reputable sources?

o Authors (and "Experts" Cited in Business Articles)

What is their overall credibility? What is their experience and education regarding the topic?
Do other people rely on their work?
What is the nature of their work and basis of expertise on the topic?

o Evidence

What sources or experts are cited? How subtle are their arguments? Do they address likely contingencies and limitations of their work?

What type of research design do they use (for academic research sources)? What type of data or evidence do they draw on (for academic and business press sources)? How generalizable and valid do their findings seem to be?

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

(1) The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

(2) The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

(3) Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Business Management: How subtle are their arguments
Reference No:- TGS03055479

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