
How states handle drug use during pregnancy

Assignment: Development Psychology

Prepare Read:Should Women Who Use Drugs During Pregnancy Be Arrested and Jailed?on page 50 of your textbook. This box describes the results that occurred when pregnant women with a history of drug abuse faced potential arrest and incarceration. Additionally, read How States Handle Drug Use During Pregnancy. You will notice that only 3 states consider substance abuse during pregnancy to be a crime, and yet 18 states have laws that say drug use during pregnancy is child abuse, and in nearly every state women have been prosecuted for drug use during pregnancy.

Answer the following questions in your post:

• Critics contend that the criminal justice system should not be involved in what is considered a healthcare problem. What do you think?

• Is the issue of mothers using illicit drugs more of a legal or medical concern? Why do you think that?

• What if Florida was considering enacting a law that would

• make substance abuse during pregnancy a crime - what would be the pros and cons? Would you be for or against this law, and why?

Instruction: Part 1& 2: Interview questions

Briefly respond the questions or add in your questions. Interview someone who works closely with babies such as a daycare employee or pretend. Make sure to keep notes of your interview (transcript), which you will submit as an attachment to your assignment.

1. What were the first few days after birth like? What kind of changes happened with you and the baby?

2. What kind of reflexes did you notice in first few days, weeks, and months?

3. Tell me about some of the biggest physical milestones in your baby's first year of life.

4. How did your baby's emotional development change throughout the first year?

5. How did you cope and adjust with those emotional changes?

6. What were some of your baby's biggest intellectual gains in the first few months?

7. How did your baby's intellectual development progress throughout the first year?

Part 2: Write a 2-page Summary and Reflection paper. Use the following information below. Using APA style and reference.

• -Connect your data to the course material or references.

• -Try to paint an accurate and vivid picture of what the infant's first year was like. It's a good idea to include direct quotes from the interviewee as appropriate. Connect and relate your findings to material from the unit readings.


Textbook: Lifespan Development-A Psychological Perspective By Martha Lally and Suzanne Valentine-French.

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Reference No:- TGS02091139

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