
How society portrays beauty impacts on pre teensteens by


Student Response 150 wordsand be respect to him (Chan Song Kim)In your responses to this students' initial posts, comment regarding the other students' argumentative ideas and structure and offer any positively-phrased constructive criticism that you find appropriate.

Director and producer, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, in her documentary, "Miss Representation," examines how mainstream media contributes to the under-representation of women in influential positions by circulating limited and often disparaging portrayals of women. Jennifer's purpose is to reveal how the media affects the way America's women, girls, men, and boys perceive beauty, sexuality, values, and self-worth. Miss Representation effectively convinces audience that Women are affected by media which disparage them, and feel insecure through the use of statistics, interview clips and emotional stories.

Body1 - Logos: using statistics. For example - 53% of 13 year old girls are unhappy with their bodies that number increases to 78% by age 17. 65% of women and girls have an eating disorder. 17% of teens engage in cutting and self-injurious behavior. Rates of depression among girls and women have doubled between 2000 and 2010.

- U.S advertisers spent $235.6 billion in 2009. 80% of the countries in the world have GDPs less than that.

- U.S women spend $12,000 to $15,000 a year on beauty products and salon services. The number of cosmetic surgical procedures performed on youth under age 19 more than tripled from 1997 to 2007. The average facelift costs $11,429. That's enough to pay for: 5 years at community college, 2 years at a state university, 1 year at the University of California.

Body2 : Ethos: using interview clips

For example,

-high school students
-Jim Steyer, CEO, common sense media lawyer and professor of civil rights Stanford university
-Margaret cho, comedienne, Actor and activist
- CBS evening news Anchor, Katie Couric
-M.Gigi Durham, PhD. Author, The Lolita Effect, Associate Professor of Journalism University of IOWA

Body3 - Pathos : using emotional stories.

Example - Siebel Newsom's story.

Conclusion: Miss Representation effectively convinces audience that Women are affected by media which disparage them, and feel insecure through the use of statistics, interview clips and emotional stories. Miss Representation uses statistics for logos, interview clips for Ethos, and emotional stories for Pathos.

Student Response 150 words (David Gallegos) In your responses to this students' initial posts, comment regarding the other students' argumentative ideas and structure and offer any positively-phrased constructive criticism that you find appropriate.

Identify the focus of your rhetorical analysis regarding the full documentary of Miss Representation.

In today's society we see them attempting to empower women and inflict the youth by having them exposed more body and less brains. The beauty aspect of it is being pressured on daily in the media through advertisements, ads, commercials, schools, TV, and even neighborhoods. Women feel the need to be competing with one another and don't feel secure about their own worth. Society is trying to portray this "fake" image of beauty by distorting the real women, by thinking they are doing good, but reality is that they are being way out of line by showing something that is not it.

Be sure that you have three reasons to support your claim. They should each be strong enough to support a 6-8 sentence body paragraph.

a. How society portrays beauty
b. Impacts on pre teens/teens by seeking beauty in society
c. How can we make a new impact and change the way society looks at women.

State your thesis statement, formatted as shown in the course materials. (A simple formula to follow is: The main idea is A because 1, 2, and 3. Another formula is: Even though A, the main idea is B because 1, 2, and 3.)

Even though women feel so much pressure fitting into todays society, the way society portrays beauty, the way it impacts teens, and a way we can make an impact on society, we too can change the way beauty is seen.

Locate supporting evidence from the full documentary for each of the three reasons. (Be sure to use the MEAL plan when creating your paragraphs in the rough draft).

- The way society describes today's beauty is a huge impact for women in today's era because if they are not fitted as what society says, they aren't considered beautiful in their standards.

- Jane Fonda states "media creates consciousness and if what gets to be consciousness is determined by men, we are not gonna make any progress."

- Even though more than 50% are women in the population of the US, there are very few who have a standard career; for example, a writer, doctor, and specially in politics

Offer a preliminary ending for your conclusion.

There is so much beauty out there and it comes in different shapes and sizes. A size 0 or a clear skin, non stretched marks isn't the only thing to describe beauty.

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