How societies rank people based on distinctions such as race

Discussion Post: The Manufacture of Inequality

Discusses how societies rank people based on distinctions such as race, gender, economic status, and other factors, sometimes based upon a misuse of biased science. These themes tie back to previously discussed topics of the construction of identity and economic structure. Proposes to imagine how to construct a society with the knowledge we have regarding inequality. For this discussion, answer that prompt. Provide evidence from the textbook and/or other credible sources to support your answer. Make sure that you use cross-cultural evidence from the assigned material and/or other reliable material as an anthropologist would do; this is to say, you need evidence from more than one culture.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How societies rank people based on distinctions such as race
Reference No:- TGS03060962

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