
How societal changes-childhood is getting shorter-shorter


1. This job discusses the "mixed messages" that each of these children is receiving, as a result of unintentional socialization:

a. Katie's dad told her she must always eat in the kitchen table from now on, because they just had new carpeting installed. Later that day, Katie's dad was sitting on the couch eating pizza, while he watched TV.

b. Before leaving home, Molly's mother told her she could not have any gum or candy while at the grocery store that day. Later, when they got to the check-out, Molly asked her mother if she could have some M&M's. "Remember what I told you? No gum or candy," her mother said. Molly proceeded to stamp her feet and whine loudly. Through scrunched eyes, she watched her mother. After a few minutes, her mother said, "Oh, all right then. You can have one bag of M&M's, but that's it! Now stop your crying."

2. Our text explains how, as a result of societal changes, childhood is getting shorter and shorter. Please provide some examples of how we are seeing this happen. Use your own personal experiences.

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Other Subject: How societal changes-childhood is getting shorter-shorter
Reference No:- TGS01930654

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