
How skill complements the ones that colleagues have chosen


When interviewig a client it is important for the setting to be calm and peacful if possible. I would prefer to be one on one and giving good and appropriate eye contact while practicing active listening skills and good body positioning. "Honesty, candor, and clear communication are important for recruiting prospective study participants, handling data ethically, honoring confidentiality and anonymity, and interpreting results in an authentic manner. Body language and professional, work-appropriate attire in the field are important, too, because they signal that you, as the interviewer, take your responsibility seriously."(Kat- Buonincontro, 2022) These interview skills plays a major role to gain appropiate information from the client that is needed in order gain the information needed to help the client succeed.


Recommend an alternate element or skill, and explain how that skill complements the ones that your colleagues have chosen.

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